Et voici l'étape 4, ma préférée en fait, celle de l'habillage du décor :)
C'est un jeu d'équilibre entre le trop et le pas assez. ça n'est pas à proprement parler la plus difficile, car il suffit de se munir de bons catalogues, mais c'est probablement celle qui demande le plus de patience et de travail.
C'est pour cela que c'est celle que je préfère :)
Mais je vous préviens : vous ne pouvez pas dessiner ça si vous n'avez pas de la bonne musique ! (: o
Cette case fait partie de ma commande pour l'Association Parole d'Enfant, elle est le prélude à la séquence la plus difficile et la plus émouvante de notre récit. La posture de la fillette et son jeu seront précisés plus tard, j'ai un détail à régler avec le client ^^
J'espère que ça vous plaît, bonne soirée à tous :)
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And this is step # 4, the one I prefer indeed, when I have to dress the set :)
It's a kind of a balance game between the too much and the not enough. Not really the most difficult part of the job, you just have to have good catalogs, but it surely demands the biggest sum of patience and work.
This is the reason why I prefer it :)
But I warn you : you cannot draw this if you haven't good music ! (: o
This panel is from the commission for Association Parole d'Enfant, it's the prelude of the most emotional and tough sequence of our story. The children posture and her game will be precised later, I need to have a brief with the client about it ^^
I hope you'll like it, have a good night :)
It's a kind of a balance game between the too much and the not enough. Not really the most difficult part of the job, you just have to have good catalogs, but it surely demands the biggest sum of patience and work.
This is the reason why I prefer it :)
But I warn you : you cannot draw this if you haven't good music ! (: o
This panel is from the commission for Association Parole d'Enfant, it's the prelude of the most emotional and tough sequence of our story. The children posture and her game will be precised later, I need to have a brief with the client about it ^^
I hope you'll like it, have a good night :)