jeudi 23 juillet 2009

PCL 4 : Couverture

Voici l'idée que nous avons eue pour la couverture de notre petit album.... Laïca ré-écrivant sur un mur une partie du titre de ce dernier : Des Mêmes Droits pour Tous/ pour Toutes.....

Je crois que c'est moi qui avait eu cette idée au départ, mais je proposais plutôt la jeune fille lunaire.... personnage un peu culotté, un peu facétieux, mais effectivement, Laïca c'est plus logique !

Dans un premier temps, je l'ai dessinée nous adressant un clin d'oeil, mais ça ne la rendait pas jolie, alors je lui ai fait une expression plus valorisante, mais néanmoins un peu narquoise. On a l'impression qu'elle fait une bonne blague à ses amis.....

En fait, elle leur montre avec amusement que certains d'entre eux ont oublié quelque chose.... ^^
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This is the idea we had for our little book cover.... Laïca rewriting on a wall a part of its title : Des Mêmes Droits pour Tous/ pour Toutes [Same Rights For All/ including Women].....

At the beginning, it was my own proposal but I thought we could use the young lunar girl, ....who's more cheeky and facetious, but Laïca is more logical indeed !

In a first time, I draw her winking, but she didn't look pretty enough like this, so I gave her face a more valorizing expression, but a little mocking. She seems to make a good joke to her friends......

In fact, she showes them in a funny way that some of them have forgotten something.... ^^

5 commentaires:

Ysope a dit…

What about an english version of the "Petit Conte Laïque" ?

Manu a dit…

A kind of "Little Tale For Secularity" ? Not a bad idea at all my friend, we could write a couple of words about it to my client, but this comic strip is not a comic strip, it's a kind of education tool, and a tool must be justified by its goal and its use. As I always say to everyone : "don't do something just to do something". My client's goal is to communicate with a part of the french public, then I think if their team would be interested in an external broadcasting, they should have to study the issue of secularity in each concerned country before translating and broadcasting it...... I don't know how the north american people, or the asians, consider the issue of religion and secularity for example...... Same story for the african people. I'm not a specialist, I suppose it should be adapted or rewritten for each other country.......

Manu a dit…

Anyway I consider we - french people - have no lessons to give to anyone.

It's just my opinion, and I suppose my client thinks something similar.... I'm not the right person to talk about that anyway, I'm just a person who has collaborated to someone else's project....

All I can say is the values of "Petit Conte Laïque" are universal : freedom, respect, and acceptance.

The universal problem being it's aways easier to proclaim than to apply :)

ysope a dit…

Rooooh, j'ai tout compris ce que t'as écris... héhé

Manu a dit…
